7 Tips to Better Digital Photos

Not all digital photos are created equal. Some look stunning while others seem to fizzle. Capturing breath-taking photos isn’t about which digital camera you use. Taking beautiful pictures is an art. But like all arts, photography can be learned. By following a few simple tips, you can increase your photography skills easily. Try using these seven and improve your work.Use a tripod. Many photographers have experienced blurry or fuzzy photos that aren’t due to a dirty camera lens. After hitting the shutter button, many people unknowingly move their hands or fingers to capture that great shot. Unfortunately, moving the camera after clicking the button can cause those blurry pictures. Try investing in a good tripod. While they were once an expensive piece of equipment purchased only by the most serious photographers, tripods are now inexpensive and easily accessible to every photographer.Get In the Shot. The best feature of digital cameras are the self-timer functions designed to allow everyone to get in the shot, even the photographer. Instead of being the one missing from every family photo, use the self-timer and get in that photo!Stop centering. When I first started using my digital camera, I thought every shot should be perfectly centered. It wasn’t until months later that I discovered my subject could be off center and the print still look good (sometimes even better) than the perfectly centered one.Get On Your Knees. While taking pictures of your pets or small children, get on your knees to add a personal feel to each photo.Move toward your subject. If you’re trying to capture the beauty of a rose, try moving closer to it. Many photographers simply use zoom but zoom can distort your pictures.For outdoor photos, try using shade. New photographers often make the mistake of trying to capture their subject in bright sunlight. Instead try finding a shady spot for your subject. Good examples of shade include in the shadow of a tree or another large object.Simplify Backgrounds. Whenever possible, keep your background as simple as possible. The less cluttered the background is, the more engaging your subject will seem. Before you take your next photo with your digital camera, look around your location to see if you can find a less cluttered area to take your photo.You can become a better photographer simply by being aware of your surroundings and using them to your advantage. Happy picture taking!